
The empty seats in FIFA 16

I'm gonna be honest, I'd love if this feature was implemented. Doing worse? Less fans are gonna show up. Doing awesome? More are gonna show and cheer louder. Depending on how loyal a fan base is equates to how long they'll put up with a shitty team. I love stuff like that.

Location of stadium is far more important than bandwagoners, now that city have moved to a predominately utd area, less of the traditional supporters can afford to factor in the cost of travel with an ever rising season ticket price.
Gloryhunters turn up for 1 or two games a year if they live in the same country, one or two games in their life if they don't. I had a season ticket at city for over a decade.

I don't mean to sound smug but if anyone's going to know about the change in a club once it's got money and won things I think I would.

The reason city's ground is empty on occasion is simple and complex, they've priced out a lot of Cheap FUT 16 Coins, they expanded the already half empty family stand to the full north stand and they expanded corporate areas to the entire middle tiers of the east and Colin Bell stand, meaning lower-middle class fans were priced out of those sections.

I have yet to see a sports game really nail it. When you score a 90' screamer to win an El Classico or to beat your rival and remain atop the standings, your fans should be going ballistic. Camera shakes, stuff falling on the edges of the field, you can't quite make out what the announcers are saying... They focus on the emotion of the players but quite honestly, it's the emotion of the fans that we as players most interact with. They're at the corner of our screens and center of our speakers. Always such an underrated part of the game.

This is all I want. I want to hit a game winner in stoppage time and have the place just come apart. Flares, Streamers, beer getting flung all over the place. I want to go in the stands with the fans. If getting this means I can't see the pimple on Ronaldo's fine ass so be it. I would gladly give up some graphicsif it means a more fun/realistic experience

To be fair I haven't been to a football match the times i visited England. In Germany ppl rant about 3€ price increase. e.g. on the Südtribüne in Dortmund the cheapest tickets (standing ofc) are like 15-18€ [u will most likely never ever get any but those are the cheap price ranges], when i was younger you paid 20D-Mark (about 10 euro) and ppl thought it was expensive

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